Fairtex Nigeria Ltd through its technical partnership with The Impulse Group, provides flexible riser inspection, testing and installation services to the offshore and marine industries in Nigeria. Our capabilities covers, 3rd Party Inspection, Factory Acceptance Testing, Annulus Testing, Installation Witness, Analysis, Integrity Studies, Life Extension, Training and supply of Flexible Pipeline Products.
What We Do
3rd Party Inspection
Fairtex employ engineers with previous manufacturing experience as it makes sense to have a specialist report and witness the production and testing of your assets.
Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)
If operators have flexibles in long term storage or they have spare risers manufactured and stored, Fairtex can organize and execute FAT prior to installation, such as:
- Hydro Test
- Outer Sheath Integrity Test
- Vent Port Communications
- Electrical Resistance and Continuity
- Vent Valve Verification
- Visual Inspection
Annulus Testing
Fairtex annulus test kit is quick to mobilize to site, will only be operated by trained, competent engineers and captures information no other integrity company currently considers, such as:
- Riser vent path assessment
- Positive and Negative pressure annulus test
- Digital pressure and flow readout
- Gas sampling to feed into corrosion assessments
- Improved kit to reduce pressure loss and leak paths
- Incorporation of annulus temperature to assess volumes
Benefits of Fairtex Annulus Testing
- Determine exact condition of pipe annulus
- Understand gas composition of annulus
- Splash zone integrity - Determine any breach up to 20m below surface
- Accurate volume measurements tracked over time
Test Assessment
- The Impulse Group operate on a simple pass or fail acceptance criteria
- Any ‘red light’ scenarios will be investigated utilizing a risk based inspection technique
- Any further recommendations (UT, eddy current, mag flux, CT) are entirely independent and based on best practice
Reasons Why You Should Test a Riser in Services
- Testing will determine current condition of riser, any breaches or external sheath damage can then be assessed for repair
- Regular testing will trend data in CO2 and flooding levels which may effect lifetime of pipeline
- Operational data can be fed assessments
- Critical areas of pipe corrosion can be identified
- Blocked venting can be investigated to ensure ongoing integrity
Installation Witness
Fairtex Nigeria Ltd has experience in witnessing the installation of flexible pipelines all over the world, let flexible engineers witness the installation of your assets:
- 24hr Witness and Reporting
- Flange to Flange Testing
- Stud Bolt Tensioning
- Ancillary Installation
- Polymer Welding
- Visual Inspection
Life Extension
Many fields are approaching or have exceeded their original life expectancy but still produce significant quantities of oil and gas. This production would not be commercially viable if a new pipeline was required. Fairtex can use both the baseline annulus test results with industry standards and current best practice to assist operators in continuing safely into the future.